
德克萨斯南方大学 康体娱乐中心 将近70岁,000 square feet of indoor recreation space and houses a wide variety of programs and facilities including multi-use courts, 政府办公室, 按摩房间, 休闲中心, 休息区, 餐馆,  水上运动中心, 健身区, 团体练习室, 还有更衣室/淋浴间.




We want you to enjoy your experience when visiting the Rec Center Failure to adhere to policies can result in a loss of Campus Rec privileges.


  • 要进入,您必须出示您的TSU ID或Rec卡.
  • You do get one (1) “freebie” per semester if you forget your card (but you must still have a valid photo ID and know your T-number/membership number).
  • 不要让别人使用你的TSU ID或Rec卡. 否则,卡将被没收,您和持卡人都可能被停职.
    Non-members under the age of 16 是不允许的 into the Rec Center (Exception: Staff-guided tours and designated special events).


  • Patrons of Campus 娱乐 are welcome to use the locker room and restroom space where they feel most comfortable, 这与他们的性别认同是一致的. An individual’s gender identity is not always consistent with what some people expect to see in traditional physical presentation or appearance. 这可以包括服装、发型、化妆和/或身体部位. All students and patrons retain the rights of privacy as well as physical and emotional safety.


  • 您需要您的TSU ID/Rec卡来结账设备. 物品可以在会员服务台借出, 举重室, 游泳/户外资源. 如果你输了, 偷, 损害, 或者干脆不退你借出的东西, 你会被要求付钱的.
  • 可在会员服务台付款. Your account will be placed on an academic hold through fiscal services until item is received or payment made.


  • 你当然可以展示你的技能和扣篮,但请不要挂在篮框上.
  • These areas may be unavailable for Informal Rec during scheduled 校内的运动 events, 俱乐部体育活动和特别活动.
  • 球场可以进行各种各样的活动(篮球), 羽毛球, 排球, 室内足球, 等.).
  • 请参阅我们的  安排时间 定期举办的活动.
  • 索取网、球等.,请到我们的设备服务台. 132.


  • 锻炼时使用我们的免费毛巾服务(或自备).
  • 禁止使用粉笔.
  • 为了你的安全, please utilize our cleaning towels and spray before and after you use equipment/machines.
  • 请保持走道畅通,避免在举重架前锻炼.
  • 举杠铃需要戴项圈.
  • 举重时建议有观察员在场.
  • 请不要移动/移走或重新摆放任何设备.
  • 请将设备放回原位,并重新上架.
  • 为了你和你周围的人的安全,控制你的体重. 不要投掷重物.
  • 保险杠只允许放在动力升降平台上.
  • 奥林匹克升降机只允许在动力升降平台上进行.
  • 个人训练只可由校园康乐中心职员进行.
  • 用好设备和机器.


  • 只能从指定位置进入和退出池.
  • 游泳者在下水前必须淋浴.
  • 只有在水上运动中心开放并有救生员值班的情况下,才允许游泳.
  • 游泳者必须穿泳衣. t恤、短裤、运动胸罩、丁字裤、透明泳衣、内衣等. 是不允许的.
  • 在进入娱乐中心之前,你必须穿好衬衫、短裤和鞋子. 请将衣物擦干后再进入康乐中心.
  • No person with sores, open wounds, or other evidence of skin disease is permitted to use the pool. 入池前请取下所有创可贴.
  • No hanging or pulling on lane ropes, backstroke flags, basketball goal or 排球 nets.
  • 禁止在水下游泳或屏气超过30秒.
  • All swimmers must be able to swim without aid in deep water and may be subject to a swim test. 根据救生员的判断,可能需要救生衣. 只有你.S. 海岸警卫队批准的救生衣是允许的.
  • Water basketballs, 排球s, and water polo balls are only allowed in designated areas. 它们不能被用作漂浮装置或扔向顾客.
  • 不允许携带食品和饮料,严禁携带玻璃容器. 在水上运动中心也禁止嚼口香糖.
  • 不得在水深小于7英尺的水中潜水.
  • 随地吐痰, 喷水, 不敬的言语, 运行, 粗糙度, 泳池内不允许吵闹.
  • Swim lessons or other private instruction by Non-Campus 娱乐 staff will not be allowed.
  • Additional policies may be implemented by the Aquatic Center staff for the health and safety of patrons.


  • 请遵循位于数字时钟上的轨道方向信号.
  • 步行者和慢跑者应该利用室外车道.
  • 运动器材不允许放在跑道上.


  • 工作室 entrance is only allowed during designated activity times (eg: Group Exercise classes) or upon request.
  • 请把您的物品放在指定的寄存处.
  • Utilize our FREE towel service (or bring your own) when participating in Group Exercise classes.
  • 小组练习班先到先得.
  • 工作人员将执行容量限制.
  • 上课时间十(10)分钟后,课程将关闭.
  • 如果你在上课时间在演播室,你必须参与.
  • 课程形式和/或教师可以根据需要进行调整.
  • 课后将设备清理并放回原位.



  • 个人支票, 签证, 万事达卡, 美国运通, 即期付款和现金付款都是可以接受的.
  • Campus 娱乐 Members pay a subsidized rate, while non-members pay an unsubsidized rate. 会员可携带一名18岁或以上的非会员客人旅行.
  • Full payment and all paperwork must be received by the registration deadline for all trips.
  • 所有旅行和诊所都是免费的, but which require pre-registration will occur a $20 No Show Fee if you fail to attend or participate.


  • 每个行程的取消日期有所不同. 取消日期为取消日期,之后将不退款. 这通常是旅行前和注册截止日期.
  • Transfers may be made to another available activity at full value if done before the cancellation date. 在取消日期之后,任何转账将不予批准.
  • All refund request requires the participant to come to the Member Services desk and fill out a Trip Refund Form.  退款流程将根据付款方式进行管理.
  • If you are unable to participate fully in a trip due to inadequate fitness or undisclosed conditions, 你的学费将不予退还.
  • TSU Campus 娱乐 and 户外活动 reserves the right to cancel the trip due to insufficient registrations, 恶劣天气或其他不可预见的情况. 如有必要取消, the participant may choose between transferring to another available activity or being issued a full refund.


  • 德克萨斯南方大学 and Campus 娱乐 cannot be held responsible for any injury, 在参加户外活动时造成财产损失或设备损坏.
  • 所有参加者必须参加医疗保险.


  • Pre-trip meetings are mandatory for all participants and meet in the designated location of the Rec. Center. 请查阅您的旅行确认书,了解时间和地点.
  • Participants who do not attend the pre-trip meeting for the trip they are registered for will forfeit their spot on the trip and will not be eligible for a refund.
  • Waitlisted participants should attend the pre-trip meeting and will be awarded a spot if other registered participants do not show.


  • 所有的旅行都需要不同程度的身体健康. We are not qualified to evaluate your fitness level so you must evaluate your fitness level as appropriate for any given trip. If you are unsure of your physical condition you should consult with a physician before the trip.


  • 如果你有特殊的饮食需求或食物过敏, 请在你登记旅行时让他们知道. 例如, if you are “vegan” or have some type of special dietary requirement you may be required to pay an additional food supplement fee. This fee will be used to purchase food specifically to meet your dietary preference or need. If you have any questions of concerns regarding menu planning and preparation, please contact us.


  • Upon registering you will receive a detailed trip information sheet that includes departure/return times, 位置描述, 基本装备清单和一般旅行后勤.
  • The Outdoor 娱乐 Program staff makes every effort to provide you with an enjoyable trip. You will assume the responsibility for many decisions affecting yourself during the activity, 然而, the trip leaders have final authority and will not hesitate to dismiss those whose conduct is detrimental to themselves, 小组或活动地点.
  • Participants should be aware that outdoor activities can be physically demanding with inherent elements of risk and danger beyond our control. These risks include but are not limited to the potential for accidents or illness while traveling to and from the activity sites, 或者在崎岖的山上参加活动, 荒野和河流地形. 但我们不承担人身伤害或死亡的责任, 我们尽一切努力将这些风险降到最低.